Adam Rivera

"Inspiring story of hope: Overcoming the impossible and helping others do the same."

Self-ImprovementMental HealthFitness
About Adam Rivera

Adam Rivera is a former professional athlete and an inspirational speaker who has defied the odds and achieved the impossible.

After a devastating motor scooter accident in October of 2022, doctors predicted Adam would be wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life.

However, through determination and sheer grit, Adam was able to walk within 7 weeks, and 8 months later he was back in training for competing in triathlons.

Adam’s story is nothing short of inspiring and his experience has enabled him to build a wealth of knowledge in the fields of education, self-improvement, mental health, and life coaching.

Adam is an ideal guest for any podcast focused on health and fitness, education, and/or self-improvement.

His resilient story of overcoming unimaginable odds will leave listeners feeling energized and inspired.

With his vast experience and expertise, Adam is sure to provide valuable insight to any audience.

Adam is available for both in-person and remote interviews and is equipped with a webcam for remote sessions.

Book Adam Rivera now for your podcast and get ready to be moved by his remarkable story.