Anthony K

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Sports News
About Anthony K

Anthony K is a former professional and Division 1 basketball player, now co-host of the Fluent & Chill (sports & life) podcast.

He is also a panel member for Players Choice and Table 4 One and a cast member of the new TV Series pilot DemOnes.

Anthony is passionate about sports, movies, TV, and music, making him a fun and entertaining guest.

He speaks English and Greek and his interests include news (especially sports news), comedy, and technology (specifically entertainment and media).

Anthony has a studio quality microphone and webcam for remote appearances and is available both on weekdays and weekends.

Anthony K is the perfect guest for podcasts looking to inject some fun and engaging conversation into their programs.

His diverse interests, experience in the sports and entertainment industry, and his ability to speak two languages make him a great potential guest.

Book him and your audience will thank you!