Ben Reuter

"Movement is the key to living a balanced and fulfilling life - join me to discover why!"

FitnessAlternative Health
About Ben Reuter

Ben Reuter, PhD is an experienced exercise physiologist and faculty member at a regional university near Pittsburgh, PA.

He holds certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCS,*D) and the National Athletic Trainers Association (ATC), and is passionate about injury prevention and performance enhancement for endurance athletes.

Additionally, Ben is the host of the Moving2Live podcast, where he promotes movement and releases three weekly movement tips videos and Lab Lessons.

He has interests in the use of movement to enhance quality of life and is well-versed in Health & Fitness, Alternative Health, and Education.

Ben is equipped with a USB/External Microphone and Webcam and is available for both in-person and remote podcasts.

Ben Reuter is the perfect podcast guest!

With his extensive experience in exercise physiology, certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and the National Athletic Trainers Association, and his dedication to improving quality of life through movement, Ben has a wealth of knowledge to share.

His Moving2Live podcast, along with his 3 weekly movement tip videos and Lab Lessons, further demonstrate his commitment to spreading the message of movement, making him the ideal candidate for podcast guest availability.