Caroline Smith

"Experience the power of hope and courage with an inspiring survivor: Max."

EntrepreneurshipManagementSelf-ImprovementMental HealthRelationships
About Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith is a captivating speaker, entrepreneur, and coach from the UK whose incredible story of survival and personal growth through adversity has inspired many.

She grew up in a middle class home, but faced inner turmoil, poor self-esteem, and anxiety caused by cold and critical parenting.

After getting out of a toxic and abusive relationship, she has devoted her life to helping others by becoming a qualified coach and working with charities that support survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

Caroline has a wealth of experience in business and management.

She had a successful career in the global financial services firm, and has since taken on roles in entrepreneurship and self-improvement.

She has in-depth knowledge of mental health, relationships, and is passionate about helping people overcome obstacles and barriers to lead the life they want.

Caroline has the necessary equipment to make a great podcast guest, including a studio quality microphone and webcam.

She is also available for both in-person and remote guests.

With her captivating story and experience, Caroline Smith is the perfect podcast guest.

Her unique story of personal transformation can inspire listeners to believe in themselves, while her knowledge and expertise on business, self-improvement, mental health, and relationships can provide valuable insights to make an interesting and engaging show.