David Baer & Ken Cook

"Connecting marketing strategy experts for engaging conversations and ideas."

About David Baer & Ken Cook

David Baer and Ken Cook are experienced and knowledgeable marketing strategists with a passion for helping businesses increase their revenue.

As co-owners of The Prepared Group creative partners, they specialize in working with marketing agencies teaching them how to support clients with a strategy-first approach.

Together, they also coauthored the book “Systematic Advisor Marketing.” David and Ken have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share on podcast interviews.

They can discuss topics such as the argument for strategy over tactics in marketing, how to leverage target marketing for more sales, key success metrics that matter, how to extract revenue from a business, the three funnels every business should have, and more.

Their enthusiasm for conversing on all things marketing strategy will be sure to engage any audience.

David and Ken are available as a duo or you can book one of them individually.

With their combined experience, knowledge and expertise, they make for excellent podcast guests.

Don’t miss out on the chance to have your audience benefit from their insights and learn about the importance of a strategy-first approach for businesses.