Eric Michrowski

Eric: Navigate Through COVID-19 Chaos with an Operations & Safety Guru.

About Eric Michrowski

Eric Michrowski is a globally recognized thought leader and guru in Operations Management, Operations Resiliency, Safety Culture, and Customer Experience.

He has over 25-years of hands-on experience across a variety of industries, and has been featured on TV, in articles, and Podcasts.

Additionally, Eric is set to publish a book on Operations Leadership through ForbesBooks this year.

His extensive experience and knowledge make him an ideal podcast guest to discuss Business, Management, Entrepreneurship, and other related topics.

Eric is a great potential podcast guest as he can provide insight into navigating the current COVID-19 BlackSwan event.

As a recognized guru in Operations Management and Safety Culture, Eric can provide invaluable advice to Business leaders seeking tools and ideas to help their businesses succeed.

With a Studio Quality Microphone and Webcam, Eric is equipped to make a great podcast guest and is available on Weekdays and Weekends.