Jacquie Doucette
Maximize your post-retirement life with the Beyond Retirement podcast host - a living example of the 40-40-40 rule.
About Jacquie Doucette
Jacquie Doucette is a female speaker from Ottawa, Canada.
She is a passionate advocate of the 40-40-40 rule, which encourages the pursuit of a successful career after retirement.
Jacquie is the host of the Beyond Retirement podcast, which strives to help people recognize that there is so much more to life than the 40-40-40 rule.
Jacquie has expertise in business, entrepreneurship, society & culture, places & travel, and sports, and is fluent in English.
She is equipped with a studio-quality microphone and webcam, and is available on weekends and weekdays.
Jacquie is available for both in-person and remote guest formats.
Jacquie Doucette is the perfect podcast guest to add value and insight to your show.
Her unique and inspiring story of living the 40-40-40 rule is sure to captivate listeners, and her knowledge and experience in business, entrepreneurship, society & culture, places & travel, and sports provides valuable insight and advice.
With her enthusiasm, passion, and expertise, Jacquie can bring a fresh perspective to any podcast.