Jewels A

"Navigating pain to inspire: mental health, alternate lifestyles, and recovery with Max."

Mental HealthSexualityRelationships
About Jewels A

Jewels A is a female speaker from Dallas, U.


A. with a passion for mental health, alternate lifestyles, and recovery.

She has a unique story of childhood abuse, trauma, and alcoholism that eventually led to her sobriety and the creation of a life of truth and authenticity.

Jewels is an NPC National Competitor and the author of the upcoming book, The Making of A Woman.

Jewels has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer as a podcast guest, having appeared as a speaker on over 20+ podcasts in the past few months.

Her book trailer is featured on YouTube and she has an exclusive interview with Jewels.

Jewels is also available to provide a media kit which includes a digital copy of her book, creative assets, press release copies, suggested interview Qs and more, designed to help promote to your audience.

Jewels is an excellent potential podcast guest as she is passionate about sharing her story and providing value to your channel.

With extensive experience speaking on mental health, alternate lifestyles, and recovery, Jewels has the knowledge and expertise to provide an insightful and thought-provoking perspective on these topics.

Let Jewels bring her story of resilience and transformation to your podcast!