Lily Weis
Lily: A Joyful Voice on Addiction Breaking Stereotypes.
About Lily Weis
Lily Weis is a certified Alcohol Freedom coach and co-host of the Sober Chick Life podcast.
She is a refreshing voice on the subject of addiction, offering a joyful perspective on life’s challenges and how to get through them without alcohol.
Lily has a wealth of knowledge about the latest research on how to laugh more, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and health, and create un-intoxicated joy.
Her speaking experience ranges from talking to individuals and groups, to appearing on local and national podcasts.
With her expertise and enthusiasm, she is a great potential guest for any podcast.
Our pitch to the podcast hosts is that they should consider having Lily Weis as a guest.
She offers a unique point of view on addiction, and her contagious optimism and enthusiasm is sure to inspire the audience.
Her knowledge and experience on the subject will provide valuable insight and an interesting perspective to any podcast.