Luke Brice
A lighthearted speaker with a genuine interest in business and a passion for life.
About Luke Brice
Luke Brice is an experienced entrepreneur and business leader from the UK.
Having left school to join the police, Luke quickly found himself in a rushed marriage and with two kids by the age of 23.
In 2014, while in a difficult marriage, Luke decided to take control of his life and set up his own gardening business.
In 2020, Luke co-founded a group of companies offering cleaning, medical support and property ownership services.
Luke is passionate about small and local businesses due to their unique stories.
He is eager to share his story of leaving a secure job to pursue his entrepreneurial dreams and how he has achieved success.
He speaks English fluently and is an expert on business topics such as careers, entrepreneurship, management, startups and personal branding.
He is the perfect podcast guest to provide insights and advice on taking control of your life and achieving success as an entrepreneur.
With Luke's authentic and light-hearted approach to life, he is sure to capture the hearts of any audience.
He is available for in-person or remote interviews and has the necessary equipment with him.