Matt and Liz Raad

"Transform your life: Learn from Matt & Liz, Australia's leading passive online income experts."

About Matt and Liz Raad

Matt and Liz Raad are a dynamic duo of entrepreneurs and digital educators based in Brisbane, Australia.

With 25 years of experience in mergers and acquisitions of businesses ranging from $1M to $20Million, they specialize in training total beginners how to buy and invest in websites, value websites, and due diligence.

They have established themselves as experts in helping high-income earners transition from their job or business income to passive website income so they can secure their future and make real online assets that can be sold for 20-50x their monthly income.

In addition to their entrepreneurial pursuits, Matt and Liz are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience.

They have their own media pack and have already made appearances in various podcasts, TV shows, and international publications.

Matt and Liz would make a great addition to any podcast as they are able to provide valuable insights and advice about transitioning from a job to website investments, website valuation, and website due diligence.

With their studio quality microphone and webcam, they are available for remote interviews during weekdays.

If you're looking for a dynamic duo who are experts in website investments and digital training programs, Matt and Liz Raad are an ideal podcast guest.

They are passionate and knowledgeable about their field, and can provide valuable insights and advice about transitioning to passive website income.