Mike Mantic

Mike's inspiring life story and powerful insight offer an uncommon and thought-provoking perspective.

EntrepreneurshipSelf-ImprovementSpiritualityMarketingCoursesAlternative Health
About Mike Mantic

Mike Mantic is a male speaker hailing from Melbourne, Australia who is an expert in meditation, shamanism, altered states of consciousness, personal and spiritual development, and intuitive business support.

With a near-death experience at just 13, Mike has spent the last 36 years on a journey of exploration and has developed a comprehensive curriculum that helps individuals bridge themselves to their highest self and deepest wisdom.

Mike has extensive experience in business, having built several seven-figure businesses for clients and having been a part of a three-man marketing team that earned $120 million in the span of six years in a small niche.

His most recent client has exceeded $1.5 million in nine months online and is still growing.

Mike is an extremely creative and intuitive individual with a plethora of skills and interests.

He is a best-selling author, creative development trainer, writer, creator, mystic, camper, motorbike rider, artist, photographer, father, husband, gypsy, and shaman.

His current project is focused on creating processes and practices that help individuals prepare for a conscious death.

With Mike’s extensive knowledge, wide range of skills, and unique perspectives, it’s no wonder why he has been referred to as a creative genius.

Mike makes for an ideal podcast guest due to his life experience, journey, and intuitive clarity that create an unusual and unmatched perspective.

He can offer up valuable insight into topics such as meditation, shamanism, altered states of consciousness, personal and spiritual development, and intuitive business support.

Let Mike Mantic bring his wealth of knowledge, expertise, and unique perspective to your podcast.

His journey and near-death experience in combination with his intuitive clarity make him the ideal guest and offer a unique and interesting perspective that your listeners will be sure to love.