Natty Frasca

A wild woman spreading love and justice through powerful ripples of change.

About Natty Frasca

Natty Frasca is a passionate wild guide for go-getter women and the founder of The Feminine Rebellion.

With a unique blend of formal training, knowledge, and lived experience, Natty has devoted her career to take a stand for women’s wildness and bring positive change to the world, one woman at a time.

Natty is a Life Coach, Biologist, Ecologist, Yoga and Meditation teacher, Kundalini Reiki Practitioner and Human Design Guide.

Her podcast interviews have been lauded for her deeply personal, passionate and relatable style.

Natty’s social media presence has also been widely recognized for her ability to rally her community and spread her message of unearthing wildness and personal growth.

Natty has a deep understanding of how women have been led down the wrong path and what we can do to get back on the right one.

If you’d like to have a guest to discuss what it really means to reclaim your wildness as an ambitious woman, Natty is your perfect choice.

She has the ability to inspire and uplift your audience, helping them to move beyond societal programming of over-functioning, over-doing and over-giving.

Natty is also equipped with a studio quality microphone and webcam for remote interviews, as well as having in-person availability.

Natty’s mission to guide one woman at a time safely out of their societal programming of over-functioning, over-doing + over-giving and back into confident, courageous, purposeful + wildly joyful lives makes her a perfect fit for any podcast looking to empower and inspire their audiences.

With her vibrant energy, vast expertise and deep insight, Natty Frasca is the ideal candidate to bring your podcast to life.