Neil Butler

Max: Transformaginist\u00ae, Australian business owner, podcast host, radio presenter and sports commentator - Seeing life through Untypical eyes.

EntrepreneurshipPersonal JournalsMusic History
About Neil Butler

Neil Butler is a Transformaginist, podcast host, sports commentator and radio presenter based in Geelong, Australia.

Neil owns his own radio station (goRadio.

Live) which streams live across Australia 24/7, playing the very best music of the past 70 years.

During the winter months, he also broadcasts second-tier Australian Rules football via the station.

Neil has also founded multiple podcasts, such as Untypical Thoughts, WOWpod, 2 Blokes Chatting and 100 Towns.

Neil is an experienced speaker and presenter, with a deep knowledge of business, entrepreneurship, sports, society and culture, music history and personal journals.

He has the necessary equipment to provide studio-quality audio and video, and is available on both weekdays and weekends for in-person or remote engagements.

If you're looking for a dynamic and knowledgeable guest to add to your podcast, Neil Butler is the ideal candidate.

With his wide-ranging expertise and enthusiasm for Untypical perspectives, Neil can provide your audience with an enlightening and entertaining experience.