Steven Conlin

Christian stutterer and tech/sports enthusiast with unique life experience.

About Steven Conlin

Steven Conlin is an expert on stuttering, Christianity, tech, and sports.

He is a male from the United States residing in Decatur.

He is fluent in English and well-versed in the topics of religion and spirituality, Christianity, sports, arts, books, and technology.

With access to a USB/External Microphone and Webcam, Steven is available for remote podcast appearances during weekends and weekdays.

As a stuttering Christian, Steven Conlin brings an incredibly unique perspective to the podcasting world.

With his part-time job and diverse interests he has a wealth of knowledge to offer podcast listeners.

From his experience with stuttering to his expertise in tech and sports, Steven has the ability to engage any audience with his captivating story and thought-provoking insight.