Tom Pike
"Empowering teens to succeed: I help them reach their potential through Early College Education, boosting motivation and mental health while saving them money."
About Tom Pike
Tom Pike is an expert in Early College Education, a way for teens to dramatically improve their motivation and mental health and save them $50,000.
With 20 years of experience as a licensed mental health counselor and Community College instructor, Tom has successfully helped hundreds of teens transition from traditional high school to Early College where they can take classes on Community College campuses (or online) and double-count towards earning their high school diploma and college credit.
Tom is passionate about helping teens become motivated and self-confident, as well as save them about $50,000 in higher education expenses.
He is an excellent communicator and is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Tom Pike is the perfect guest for your podcast.
He has extensive experience in Early College Education and helping teens find an educational path that is meaningful and beneficial for their lives.
With his expertise and knowledge, Tom can provide your listeners with valuable insight and advice on the Early College pathway and how to make the most of it.
He can also discuss topics such as mental health, parenting and learning with disabilities.
Tom comes prepared with a studio quality microphone and webcam and is available for both in-person and remote interviews.
Invite Tom on your podcast and let him share his expertise, knowledge, and passion for Early College Education.