"Dating Coach For Men: Attract Quality Women & Build A High Status Lifestyle"
Male from Fort Lauderdale, United states and speaks EnglishAvailable for in In-person, Remote Formats
JARETT SINGER is an international motivational speaker, CEO of Modern Flirting, and author of “How To Meet Your Dream Girl Tonight” and “The Psychology Of Modern Flirting”.
With seven years of formal psychological training from multiple universities and a background as a trained therapist, JARETT has been globally recognized as a lifestyle consultant and dating mentor for the past sixteen years.
During that time he has earned numerous awards from leaders in his industry, taught over 10,000 students, and is credited with preventing seventeen suicides and creating over 280 marriages.
JARETT has been featured in popular media such as MTV's "Made", Oxygen's "Bad Girls Club", ABC's "Nightline", Yahoo!
Finance, CBS "ktvn local news", FOX news, and NBC news, as well as seminars such as The Great Love Debate, The 21 Convention Men’s Conference, Social Hacker Summit, and the World Dating Coach Summit.
JARETT specializes in teaching men how to improve the quality of women they attract while building a fulfilling high status lifestyle.
He uses classically trained counseling and cutting-edge techniques to help his clients, including multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, computer programmers, reality TV stars, navy seals, and even a real life James Bond.
JARETT has the experience, expertise, and knowledge to be a great potential podcast guest.
His unique qualifications and background make him an exceptional candidate to discuss dating, relationships, mental health, and self-improvement.
As a trained therapist, he has the ability to provide valuable insight and advice to listeners looking to improve their lives.
With his extensive media experience, he can engage with an audience and provide valuable and entertaining content.
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from 12am to 12am
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