Kelly Rudolph
From stuck and stressed to clear and confident about who you are, what you want, and how to get it - for women over 40
Female from San Diego, United states and speaks EnglishAvailable for Collaboration in Remote Formats
Women over 40 who feel stuck or are uncertain about their future. They know there is more for them but don't know how to get what they want. Negative emotions keep them in the past and pollute their work, relationships and health. They want a life they are enthusiastic about.
About Kelly Rudolph
I'm passionate about helping women recognize and tap into their inner power, where they move from the passenger seat to the driver's seat of their life, health, and success.
I did this over 40 years ago after years of domestic violence.
I released the trauma and negative emotions in ONE hour with a Native American Medicine Man, and it has never bothered me since!
I knew this is what I wanted to do for other women.
I am Your Inner Power Coach, certified life coach, hypnotist, and NLP practitioner.
My Availablity
Everyday from 10am to 5pm America/Los_Angeles
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My Target Audience
Women over 40 who feel stuck or are uncertain about their future. They know there is more for them but don't know how to get what they want. Negative emotions keep them in the past and pollute their work, relationships and health. They want a life they are enthusiastic about.
Why Invite me?
I have vibrant, fun energy and a positive attitude. I help people get a new, more positive perspective very quickly, which changes their energetic vibration to get better results immediately. I work with energy and the subconscious mind and can explain why people say and do the things they do, bringing clarity and reducing stress and self-doubt instantly! The success stories on my Positive Women Rock website are mind-blowing!