Spoken Label

Friendly, Welcoming Chat between friends

Manchester, United Kingdom and speaks English

Available for in Remote Formats

Spoken Label is a podcast label and series designed to interview and record sessions from authors, poets, artists, musicians etc in North West England and beyond.

Formed in 2015 and ran / edited by Andy N, author of ‘Return to Kemptown’ and ‘The End of Summer’, it is always often to submissions from interested artists
About Spoken Label

Spoken Label is a podcast label and series designed to interview and record sessions from authors, poets, artists, musicians etc in North West England and beyond.

Formed in 2015 and ran / edited by Andy N, author of ‘Return to Kemptown’ and ‘The End of Summer’,it is always often to submissions from interested artists

Past episodes
My Availablity

Sunday from 11am to 7pm Europe/London

Interview & Promotion
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  • Pre-Interview Call
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My Target Audience

Spoken Label is a podcast label and series designed to interview and record sessions from authors, poets, artists, musicians etc in North West England and beyond.

Formed in 2015 and ran / edited by Andy N, author of ‘Return to Kemptown’ and ‘The End of Summer’, it is always often to submissions from interested artists

Why Join?

See above. This has over 500 episodes and I know what I am doing.