Unmotive Show

Exploring tech and culture with insightful dialogue. Join The 14 Rule!

Mountain View, United States and speaks English

Available for in In-Person, Remote Formats

We help technology enthusiasts to explore insightful discussions and interviews with tech professionals on The 14 Rule - a parent directory of guest interviews including the 3 seasons of the internet and mental health podcast, Unmotive Show.
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About Unmotive Show

Unmotive is the process that searches for answers.

Like skipping rocks, we skim the surface of a topic to open a dialogue on the internet and mental health.

You can find the Unmotive Show on The 14 Rule website, which includes guest interviews from the host of the Unmotive Show, Ro Dopemu, about living your best work/life balance including topics like tips and tricks for working in the digital age.

The 14 Rule will also link to your chosen YouTube and podcast interviews that increase your visibility as a guest.

Past episodes
My Availablity

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday from 10am to 6pm America/Los_Angeles

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My Target Audience

We help technology enthusiasts to explore insightful discussions and interviews with tech professionals on The 14 Rule - a parent directory of guest interviews including the 3 seasons of the internet and mental health podcast, Unmotive Show.

Why Join?

1. **Insightful Dialogue:** Engage in deep conversations with technology professionals, sharing knowledge and experiences.
2. **Featured Topics:** Explore technology from different angles, sparking fresh discussions and perspectives.
3. **Unique Format:** Seasonal releases focusing on a single overall topic, providing a focused platform for speakers.
4. **High Profile Guests:** Connect with industry leaders and experts, expanding your network and credibility.
5. **Supportive Environment:** Host Rotimi fosters an atmosphere of inspiration and collaboration, making your episode a rewarding experience.